Sunday, December 30, 2007

Attempted Family Picture

We attempted to have these family pictures taken on December 9th. We were hoping to use them for our Christmas card. It didn't work. As you can see, getting two kids and the dog to cooperate was DIFFICULT! The more members we add to our family, the harder it gets to make a family picture work.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tree Trimming

Decorating the Christmas tree was so fun this year. Ben was really into it. He has been rearranging the ornaments daily. The tree has been all the motivation Maggie has needed to crawl. She wants to pluck the ornaments from the tree too!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Formal Portraits 11/30/07

We finally had some formal portraits of the kids taken last week. These are the first pics we have had done of Maggie. We were thrilled with the turnout! The kids cooperated for all of 10 minutes, but that was enough time for the photographer to get about 50 shots!