Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ultrasound #2
Had our second ultrasound today. The pictures are MUCH better than the first ultrasound. You can actually see two babies (instead of two blobs) in these pictures. I like the ones of the two of them together taken from the top down. You can see their little arms and legs folding over nice, round tummies! The ultrasound tech could aleady rule out several genetic abnormalities today. She said they had great measurements, and there was no fluid in the brain and no thickness to the neck fold - all good things!
New due date: July 11th (would be 40 weeks)
Estimated delivery date: June 27th (if I can manage to hold onto them that long!)
Ben has already said that he would love to share his birthday with the babies (June 26th). I guess we'll see when they decide to come. For Ben's sake, I would prefer to keep his birthday reserved for him, but he seems to think that sharing would be a great way to celebrate. Such a sweet kid. He wants us to name one of them Benjamin should it be a boy.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Biggest Surprise of Our Lives!

This time, however, I had a sinking suspicion that I might be having twins. I have been saying for weeks that the extreme nausea I am feeling can't be what it was when I was expecting Ben or Maggie. I certainly remember being nauseated and tired, but I don't remember it being THIS extreme. And so, I wondered if I was having twins. Plus, Maggie went to daycare last week, and she told her entire class that her mommy was having two babies. It was all too weird.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Annual Pumpkin Picture
3-D Movie
Friday, October 16, 2009
First Soccer Pics
They're in Lil' Kickers together.
Notice how they waited until after soccer practice, when the kids were all red and sweaty (and had purple stamps on their hands), to take the pictures.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pumpkin Patch 2009
and Brian showed the kids how to sling-shot a corn cob out into a pond.
(Ben's shirt says, "If you think I'm SCARY, wait 'til you see my SISTER!")
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Rainbow Connection

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sponge Rollers
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
SetonFest 2009 (Day #1)
Daring Ben was eager to hop on the ferris wheel. Maggie thought it would be a good time. However, she SCREAMED and clung to me the entire time we were on it!
One of the many family pictures we attempted. Since we had matching festival shirts, I really wanted to get a great family picture. The kids were less than cooperative. I'm surprised Brian remains married to me after all the times I made him pose!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Only Once!
Unfortunately, we had to attend a funeral Mass today.
The kids, however, behaved really well. So, I told them that we could buy lollipops.
Ben informed me that lollipops are NOT the round balls on top of sticks. He said a REAL lollipop would have to be rainbow-colored, and it must also be a flat circle, not a ball.
Brian had the ingenious idea to try Cracker Barrel, knowing that they carry all sorts of candy. And, of course, they had the lollipops!
I told the kids that these were the kind of treats you only get once in a lifetime.
(We don't want to make a practice of buying these every time they exhibit good bahavior!)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer Movies
We took advantage of the FREE summer movies at Regal Cinemas this summer.
Ben, Quinn, & Maggie are getting ready to see Charlotte's Web. Fruit snacks in hand... Ready to go!