Tuesday, March 31, 2009

They played in the rain!

Ben, Ben, & Maggie started out just playing in the "ball pit" (aka: swimming pool) on a cloudy day. What a riot watching them romp around in a swimming pool with winter coats on.
Then, it started to rain. Maggie and I went in the house, but Ben and Ben (the real men) kept the game going. Ben M. put on his mean face and really launched those balls up to the play house. The were soaked to the core when I finally got them to come inside.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tiny Picassos

Don't really know if this was the best idea or not, but we let them do it anyway. Uncle Scott & Aunt Shell gave us their art easel, and Maggie and Ben have been having so much fun painting. Brian commented that Maggie seems so big until you see her dressed in one of his t-shirts. I love the picture in the middle below. It's as if she's mesmerized by the magic of the paint brush.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Play Ball!

Brian came home from work today with a new tee-ball bat, ball, and glove for Ben. Ben was THRILLED! He has played "catch" with our neighbors before, but he was so excited for his dad to "teach him how to play baseball."

He actually has a fairly decent swing, but the poor kid just couldn't make contact with the ball. Finally, mommy decided to make a quick run to Target to pick up a tee (and complete the set).

Ben shows his new stuff to Maggie. (What a great brother!)
He even helped her set it up and allowed Daddy to give her a try.

Ahhhhh... finally able to hit the ball. He topped it several times, but at least he was hitting it. Unfortunately, after several really good hits, it was getting dark. I'm sure he'll remind us when it's time to practice again.

taking Baby for a walk

Today was our first opportunity since Maggie received it for Christmas to take her stroller out for a test drive. Although a little windy, Maggie navigated the sidewalks of our cul-de-sac like a pro-mommy! It is clear that "Baby" is becoming one of Maggie's favorite toys.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

We show off our GREEN for St. Patrick's Day.
(Don't quite know why Ben is wearing a fish-shaped nebulizer mask on his head.)
Then, we went off to church for the St. Patty's Day dinner. Brian got some great pics of the kids before we went inside to eat. I couldn't believe how many people showed up to the dinner with crazy stuff on their heads. People really get into the spirit!

Our neighbors from The Lakes at Hazel Dell filled an entire table. Dinner included corned beef and cabbage for the adults and "bangers and champs" for the kids. They had live Irish music, scones, Guinness & Killians, and Irish coffee. After dinner, the kids played on the playground. Above is my CRHP-sister, Barb, and her son, Andrew -- they bleed green & gold!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is it about McDonald's? They put a nutritionally void jumble of food and a cheap plastic toy in a cardboard box, and suddenly, lunch becomes the happiest part of the day.
Thank you, Becca Howard, for inviting us to go to the puppet show at the park today and then out to lunch at "Old McDonalds" (as Ben calls it).