Once again, the end of the school year signifies the time of the Annual Lakes at Hazel Dell all-neighborhood camp-out. Perfect weather this year. We invited our friends, the Sweeneys to join us for the fun.
Bub's Burgers sold dinner, and everyone ate burgers and dogs. I worked the kids' games, which Ben and Maggie totally enjoyed because of all the awesome stuff they won!

Definitely, the best part for our kids is the whole tent experience. Maggie really wanted to spend the night, but we thought it would be too much for a two-year-old to stay out all night with Daddy and Ben. She still got to put on her jammies and watch Madagascar 2 with all the kids, but she went home with Mommy after the movie.
Yes, for those of you who follow my blog, I'm actually creating this entry a year after it happened. I was putting in the 2010 camp-out pictures, and I realized that I hadn't made an entry last year for the 2009 camp-out. These are the kind of fun events that I don't want to exclude from my blog, so I'm putting it in - a full year later!