Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Too Many In The Tub?

What to do when you're stuck inside and bored?

Create a ball pit in the bathtub! (water included)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Was Daddy really napping?

Maggie set Brian up for his post-church nap this afternoon. She kept adding more blankets and pillows. Doesn't he look comfy?

I don't think he got much sleep with four kids climbing all over him!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

There's nothing like it!

Ahhhh, there's nothing like two babies, fresh from the tub... all clean and cozy. Don't you just want to squeeze them!

No more high chairs!

Brian and I are so tired of tripping over high chairs in our kitchen. So we decided to order this hook-on chairs. The girls totally love them! They can swing their little legs as much as they want. Ben and Maggie like having their sisters eat at the counter with them. Unfortunately, the girls leave little room for anyone else!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Swim

We took the babies swimming for the first time this past Saturday. It ws a blast! The zero-depth entry is perfect for them. They just sat there and splish-splashed to their little hearts' content. When we actually took them out into the water, Betsy kicked like a little frog.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Irish Blessings

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Brian and I had that blessing said at the end of our wedding Mass. We love it. Someday, we would like to have it painted on the wall of our entry-way. If you had told us on our wedding day that we would have had FOUR Irish blessings after being married only six years, we never would have beleived you!

Ben and Maggie in all their green. (Ben is wearing green bunny ears and a beer-barrel necklace.)

This is the green dinner that I cooked. Green cups & straws, broccoli, green grapes, green-dyed rice (Maggie helped to make that), and green Jell-o. Somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to dye our chicken green too. I was afraid the kids might not eat it if it were green.

Betsy and Bree, our "Wee Irish Blessings."
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Java, before & after

We let poor Java's hair get entirely too long.
She hasn't been groomed since before Christmas.
I think she almost looks sad in the picture above.

Yesterday, she made a visit to the groomer. She's a completely different dog!
I couldn't get her to stand still long enough to get a good picture, but you can still see the adorable little green bow on her hip (for St. Patty's Day), and the soft, fluffiness of her legs. She's like a giant teddy bear wearing fleece pants!

That's not quite how I remember the story...

Maggie says the craziest stuff. In January, she told me that we were celebrating Marshmallow King Jr. Day. Her teacher thought that was the cutest thing.

This morning, as I was putting her in the car to go to preschool, she asked me if I knew about Noah and the Ark. I said, "Of course!" Then, she said, "The Ark was next to Florida, so they could give people drinks. And, God taught Noah how to make toys for everyone."

There's the ark, right next to Florida!

Where does this stuff come from?

Monday, March 07, 2011

Shoes Go On Our Feet!

The girls got some new shoes yesterday. It just cracks me up how bend-y babies can be. The shoes immediately went into their mouths for exploration.

They also got some new pink jackets. I love how they both put the same hand up to their heads to feel the hoods.
Bree is on the left, & Betsy is on the right.